Xiaomi Redmi Note (OTG) Micro-USB to USB 2.0 Adapter High Speed Data-Transfer Cable for connecting any compatible USB Accessory/Device/Drive/Flash/ and truly On-The-Go! (Black)
The Xiaomi Redmi Note (OTG) Micro-USB to USB 2.0 Adapter High Speed Data-Transfer Cable for connecting any compatible USB Accessory/Device/Drive/Flash/ and truly On-The-Go! (Black) is yet another excellent computer hardware component being offered at an extremely reduced price, making this product terrific value for money!
Just check out the details below, to get some idea of the potential offered by this product. If you haven’t already researched this product, then just take a few moments to view the Customer Testimonials
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Redmi Features
- Finally, an outstanding quality grade cable for your Xiaomi Redmi Note at a reasonable price!
- Now you can connect your USB Device/Drive/Flash/Printer by plugging it in, and using it instantly!
- For data transfer with role swapping abilities, this customer cable is for those on the GO and want reliability NOW!
- Operate small USB peripherals by plugging in the adapter cable which transforms your mobile or portable device into a USB capable unit.
- CONNECTORS: Standard USB 2.0 port, Right Angle Micro-USB OTG connector,Nanosecond recognization chipset. LENGTH = 4.5″
Product Description
Xiaomi Redmi Note (OTG) Micro-USB to USB 2.0 Right Angle Adapter for High Speed Data-Transfer Cable for connecting any compatible USB Accessory/Device/Drive/Flash/ and truly On-The-Go! (Black)Comes to you direct from the manufacturer so we can delive…
Read More: Please click the following link for the full – Product Description.
Redmi Choices & Selection
The enormous amount of alternatives to choose from can be quite daunting, subsequently we have now included a variety of equivalent devices with their features & technical specs, so that you may do a comparison of related hardwares and reach the best decision, on which hardware best fulfils your objectives.
It’s not uncommon that these devices can carry a pretty substantial price tag, therefore in an effort to protect our readers, we would certainly advise against impulse buying & would typically propose acquiring as much knowledge as is possible, prior to making any decisions to buy this product. Nevertheless you are always assured of top grade products at highly discounted prices.
Customer Testimonials
Redmi Related Video
Despite the fact that it is not always feasible to get a perfect match with respect to model numbers, we’ve found it particularly beneficial to our readers to add videos that may be based around equivalent goods, and yet with somewhat distinctive specs.
This is quite often best shown with regard to computer components & hardware, where a viewer could be preoccupied with a particular brand or model, yet soon after seeing a video presentation regarding a slightly different version, offering slightly better features, the reader will then typically amend their final decision, subject to what they had learned in the movie.
Due to this we may advise that wherever possible our readers ought to view the brief video clips offered, to be able to gather as much insight as they possibly can on this Redmi.
23 Comments Already
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+AYU JULIANTI Di unit yg ane pegang layarnya malah lebih putih dibanding
Zenfone 5 sist. Gak ada masalah yellowish di layarnya
Yg mau tau cara root Xiaomi Redmi Note…… ini tutorialnya Gan Channel
BangRipiu http://youtu.be/o1JE_ZXVpVE , make sure you check that out guys
oya, ada yg lebih bagus dari redmi note ga selain zenfone 5, dengan catatan
harga kisaran yg sama ya. PS> ada alternatif lain ga untuk mengatasi ROM yg
kecil dan ga SWAP di Redmi Note ini?
Guys… Pastikan komen agan bisa di reply ya, di Cek lagi settingan Channel
nya OK !
Gan ane beli redmi note dari ebay soalnya emg ane lg diluar, trus ko
trnyata kameranya parah bgt udh kaya vga aja. Malesin bgt lah pokonya, udh
gitu gada tulisan di belakang kardus, sbnrnya tuh redmi note bnran oke gak
sih? Langsung ane balikin tuh hp ke ebay.
Gan, tanggung jawab nih! Gara2 video reviewnya ane jadi rada nyesel kan
beli LG G3 Beat T.T
Keren banget Redmi Note nyaaaa… Apalagi MIUI nya. Oya, btw ini MIUI versi
5.0 kan? Bisa diupgrade ke versi 6.0 gak? Upgradable to kitkat? Dan juga
sisa internal pas awal pemakaian berapa gan? Hehehe. Tolong dijawab ya gan
Numpang ty gan…
Klo beli mi note diluar negri (hongkong)tapi bahasa bisa di ubah dengan
bahasa indonesia,bisa digunakan di Indonesia nggak gan??
Makasih atas jawabannya
anjrit fanboy… wakakak bgm lagunya gw tau smua… manchap gan… btw baru
redmi 1s sama note aja ya yang resmi di indo?
pengen beli mi4 ih
Mas mau tanya donk
Kok redmi note saya singel sim
Dan di test di antutu score nya engga sampe 2000 knapa yaaa
overall penyampaiannya memuaskan muatannya sangat berbobot tp saran saya
mas ketika menyampaikan atau ngomong cari lagu yang instrumental aja karena
lagu yang berlirik tabrakan sama suara mas,,,jadi pusing fokusnya hahaha
Mantap mas, klo saya sih lebih pilih asus zenfone 5, tapi masih gk boleh
beli sama org tua saya hehe, thx mas reviewnya
Sayangnya memori external tidak bisa pindah ke sd card
Wah backsoundnya kpop semua kalo di upload sekarang udah ada Apink kali tuh
^^,,sekalian nanya mas saya ngeri ni mas sama update2an prinsip dari
pengalaman laptop si kalo program berjalan baik buat apa di update takutnya
malah jadi gak jalan atau crash atau gak stabil, baru dapet dari FS 27 nov
kalo boleh tau apakah semua aplikasi itu auto update apa bisa di block atau
kita yang pilih mau update apa tidak, saya lihat di forum yang seri rom
yang baru itu sampai yang belakangnya v.37 ya mas karena pas langsung dari
FS kan rom v.29 saya belum berani update apalagi root bener2 newbie
smartphone dan ada berapa file yang diupdate selain software miui ,,?? kalo
boleh di share ilmunya mas, terima kasih
mas, XIAOMI Redmi Note 4G LTE sama LG G3 stylus mendingan mana yah, mas
rekomendasikan apa? please infonya.
sekarang nyari smartphone ini dengan harga 2 juta udah susah..
apalagi yang tam..
kalo kita nggak mau ribet pake MIUI dan cuma pake OS android (misal) JB or
ktia tinggal nge-root aja yaa..
terimakasih atas pencerahannya..
oya.. saya suka komitmen kang obat gaptek yg cuma review smartphone
pembelian sendiri.. hehehe :-)
gan mau tanya kalo mau cari ROM redmi note 3G yang ada bahasa indonesia nya
dimana ya ? salah flash rom jadi balik keawal factory nya, oh iya kritika
nya kena eror data usage ga gan ?
BTW ini review bikin ane beli nih HP karena kekerenan nya hahaha…
sebelumnya terimaksih.
Bro klw flash sale jam 11 proses nya pakai hp bisa ya??
gan klo xiaomi itu garansinya apa ya??mau bli tapi takut ga ada garansi,di
indonesia blm ada service centernya ya gan??
klo boleh minta saran gan bagus mana antara himax polymer sama rednote??
krn bimbang nih gan mau pilih mana??ane suka ngegame,social media,dan
dengerin musik banget gan.makasih sebelumnya.
kenapa tiba-tiba kamera depan redmi noteku sering frezze dan force close
melulu yah? Apakah ada yang salah sama hardwarenya?.
Tolong pencerahannya dong bang please..
So far.. ini review smarthpone yang paling menarik yang pernah saya lihat
:) Terus berkarya :D
Bang, buatin review perbandingan asus zenfone 5 sama xiaomi redmi note
Terimakasih bang
gan, miui itu mksd na OS na ato gmn? d spec redmi note di tulis OS na
android jellybean, gmn ya gan? krg ngerti hahha
flash sale di lazada itu gimna caranya ? di elevenia jg ada .. recomen beli
dimna ya ?